Spelly Straws

Little loves his ABC’s-and he loves drinking from fun straws-so when I came across Spelly Straws-I knew he’d love them! 

These customizable drinking straws are not only super bright and colourful, but also really simple to put together and pull apart-making it a cinch for Little to practice spelling and sounding out whatever word or name he chooses-as often as he wants. 

We received the box of 44 pieces, which retails for $9 USD, and has more than enough pieces to help us get our Spelly fun started. They’re also available in boxes sized all the way up to 11,000 pieces for $1000 USD, which would be handy if you chose to use them as a fun add on to host a party or other event and wanted each guest to have their own straw. 

They’re wider mouth straws, making them comfortable to sip your beverage of choice from-as well as making them easy to clean by either hand washing or throwing them into your dishwasher. 

Check them out here on Kickstarter and add some bright, colourful, Spelly fun to your drink today! 

What I’m Packing in My Hospital Bag


With about six weeks or less to go until baby boy number two is due to make his grand entrance-I figured it was about time that maybe I should have my hospital bag packed and ready-cause you never really know when baby will decide to come.

Considering this is my second, I learned the hard way the first time that I way over packed-but also forgot some things that this time I’m definitely going to be toting along.

I’ve broken the list down by two: my essentials for mama, and then what I packed for the baby.

Mama’s Bag

ErgoBaby Natural Curve Nursing Pillow- $94.99 CDN available at Bed Bath and Beyond , Toys R Us or Best Buy

I really liked this pillow due to the firmness of it, which interestingly enough, is a lot of reasons why others don’t. In my experience from working children’s retail, one of the biggest complaints I’ve heard from customers is that they found breastfeeding pillows to either be too bulky, or that it was soft and comfy at first, but eventually their elbows started sinking into it, causing them to have to prop up with additional pillows. The ErgoBaby pillow is smaller then most, making it more compact, plus, it’s designed to keep baby’s head above their belly, which can assist in proper digestion, resulting in a less gassy, happier little babe.



The Honest Company Organic Body Oil ($12.99 CDN),  Sweet Orange Vanilla Shampoo/Body Wash in Costco size ($19.99 for two pump bottles), and Lavender Mint Organic Lip Balm ($10.99 for three)-available at Well.ca, Chapters/Indigo, Serenity Birth Studio and Buy Buy Baby

I love The Honest Company products. They’re gentle, natural, and lightly scented, and with the hospital being dry and arid, there’s no question what company I’d choose to help keep my lips and skin moisturized during labour and afterwards.  Plus, their shampoo and body wash is gentle enough to use for your first shower after birth-and if requested-for the nurses to use when baby has his first bath.


A comfy robe, slipper socks, nursing bra and organic cotton nursing pads of your choosing.

I’d suggest wearing most of this after birth. Birth can be a messy experience, so unless you have a robe or other clothing that you don’t mind ruining with blood and other bodily fluids, stick with the hospital issued stuff until you get a chance to shower and get comfy after labour. Hospitals can range from being over heated, to cold, so you want to be prepared, but also have loose, cozy stuff to wear while bonding with your new little one in the hospital room-and to look cute for the inevitable visitors.


Substance by Matter Company Nipple Cream-$13.99 CDN available at well.ca  and Liam and Lauren Baby and extra absorbent, extra long maxi pads-brand of your choosing.

I did not want a lanolin based nipple cream. I know people rave about the moisturizing benefits and the fact that its safe for baby to ingest-but if you look further into it, it’s actually really gross. Lanolin is a wax like substance secreted from the glands of wool bearing animals. Lanolin has to be purified with chemicals for use for human consumption and can legally contain 40 ppm of pesticides, and sheep are often sprayed directly with pesticides to prevent mites and pests. Like I said, it’s just plain gross. Substance Nipple Cream contains no lanolin whatsoever and is made from calendula, marshmallow root, plantain, witch hazel, olive oil and grapeseed oil-right here in Canada.  And well, the maxi pads-I think we all know why we’ll need those after birth.

Baby’s Bag



Packing for baby is a lot more simple.


The Honest Company newborn size diapers ($16.99 CDN) and a pack of wipes ($7.99 CDN)-but you can choose whichever brand you’d like.

Most hospitals won’t provide you with diapers and wipes for that fresh little butt, so be sure to make sure to bring your own. I’d suggest a few extra too, as baby will likely urinate frequently and their first poo, meconium, can be pretty messy and sticky.


GoumiKids Jamms in Blue Forest Friends Pyjamas-$39.99 CDN available at Well.ca and Baby Land

I chose these for baby’s hospital outfit/coming home outfit not only because the organic cotton/bamboo blend is so unbelievably soft, but also because GoumiKids has integrated scratch mitts right onto the sleeper, as well as a bottom foot pouch, to make those first diaper changes super easy and convenient, and to keep germs off baby’s hands.  This company also sells adorable scratch mittens, booties and tiny little caps made of the same delicious bamboo/organic cotton blend that I definitely recommend you check out.


PEPPA Tino Organic Bonding Doll- $24.99 CDN available at Liam and Lauren Baby, well.ca and Smashing Baby

I love these cute little bunnies for newborns and older children (my three year old has decided his brother’s bunny is now his, so we may have to purchase a second). Filled with 100% antibacterial wool, these dolls are designed to help comfort your little one with familiar scents. Mom and Dad or any other caregiver can sleep with it, or some mom’s deposit a few drops of breast milk onto it, and the wool holds the scent, helping to encourage the bonding process, as well as prevent separation anxiety and can be used to help promote independent sleep when baby is ready. They’re non toxic and with no extra fluff, so they’re perfectly safe for snuggles and the occasional chew. They make really great gifts too.


Black Herringbone Bamboo Muslin Swaddle Blanket- $17.99 CDN available at Toys R Us, and well.ca

Canadian made and super soft, Lulujo Swaddles are so cuddly and perfect for baby’s first swaddle at the hospital. You generally are provided with a standard hospital blanket for your babe, but I’d also suggest bringing one from home. They can be used as nursing covers, swaddles, or to bundle baby up on that first car ride home. They also come in handy for spit ups.


What were your favourite things or must have’s for your hospital bag?


Yellow tote bag featured is courtesy of my best friend Amanda and Thirty-One-you can find her at here if you’re interested in purchasing any awesome Thirty-One products.