Peanut Butter and Jam Pancakes feat. Rolling Meadow Dairy

I’ve always had a bit of a love/hate relationship with dairy.

Growing up, I ate it with no problems on cereal, in recipes or a yummy bowl of yogurt or ice cream-to no ill effects. But I noticed as I got closer to puberty, I was becoming more sensitive to it with stomach upsets and unmentionable bathroom visits. So I began to just strategically avoid it as best as possible.

When R was born, I was unsuccessful with breastfeeding-so we ended up bottle feeding him. Very quickly we noticed he began showing obvious signs of a lactose sensitivity and made the choice to put him onto a lactose free formula-and had great success with it.

When he turned 1, we attempted cows milk to the discover the same lactose sensitivity he’d had as a newborn. Soy products made me nervous and we tried goat milk with some positive results, but ultimately ended up choosing to have him on nut milks as they were the easiest to come by and the most affordable.

While researching the best alternatives for R to have, I also unfortunately discovered the downside to the dairy industry. Cows kept in tiny stalls, fed processed feed, pumped with antibiotics and growth hormones (this is somewhat better controlled and monitored in Canada then in the US) and just living a miserable existence hooked up to pumps daily. It bothered me to find out that a food group so widely consumed was not being run very ethically.

We ended up deciding to just eliminate dairy entirely from our home.

R has never been a picky eater, and ate a wide variety of fruits and veggies and whole grains, yet we always struggled with his protein in take as he was not an avid meat eater and seemed to have a distaste for eggs.

Diving into the world of nutrition, it kept leading me back to dairy. There’s no doubt that dairy offers a growing body a lot nutrients like protein, calcium and vitamin A-and as much as we enjoyed trying the vegan lifestyle-I’m a huge believer in eating balanced and clean, as opposed to eliminating certain foods from your diet.

But the ethics behind the dairy industry still bothered me.

That’s when I came upon Rolling Meadows Dairy. A company made up of farmers from Southwestern Ontario, the milk is 100% Canadian and from happy, healthy cows that graze on pasture as long as our weather allows-and then are fed stored grasses throughout the winter.

Grass fed dairy is not only higher in Omega 3 (up to 300% compared to non grass fed), but also CLA (conjugated linoleic acid, a naturally occurring fat with numerous health benefits) and easier to digest. It is also milked from cows that live the way a cow should, grazing and munching on pasture for as long as the weather permits, and treated with nothing but love and respect.

Check out our yummy recipe below for peanut butter and jam pancakes featuring ingredients from Rolling Meadow Dairy.

Peanut Butter and Jam Pancakes (batter recipe courtesy of Tasty with our personality added to make it our own)

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup natural peanut butter
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2cup sliced strawberries

Mix milk, egg and peanut butter in a bowl and whisk until blended. Mix flour, baking powder and salt in separate bowl, then blend with peanut butter mixture-whisking until smooth. Ladle batter into a greased pan. Place strawberry slices into batter in pan. Flip and fry until cooked through. Top with maple syrup or topping of your choice and enjoy!

An Easy and Fun Lunch for Valentine’s 

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I thought it’d be fun to share a super easy, fun, and nutritious lunch that you and your little can make together to celebrate the day of love.

You will need the following:

  • Two slices of whole wheat bread. (We chose an ancient grains bread.)
  • A natural, organic peanut butter.
  • A organic, low sugar jam. (We used strawberry because the red worked well to make our heart-but any flavour will do)
  • A heart shaped cookie cutter.
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries or blueberries or another berry of your choice.
  • Butter knife easy for little hands to grip/use.
  • A spoon easy for little hands to grip/use.
  • Nutella

Step One

Take your cookie cutter and make a heart in the centre of one of your slices of bread.
Step Two

Spread peanut butter on whole piece of bread. A lot or a little, it’s totally up to you.
Step Three

Put your slice of bread with the heart cut out on top of your slice with peanut butter on it. Spoon jam into the heart shaped hole until filled.
Step Four, Five and Six (I had a little helper that was too excited to eat his creation then let me take pictures lol)

Slice up strawberries and whichever other berries you chose and place in separate bowl. We chose to add Nutella as a special dip for the fruit-but Greek yogurt or anything of your choice works too.

Serve with a cold glass of almond milk (Or drink of your choice).


Simple, easy and fun to enjoy the season of love!

Strawberry Banana Bread 

I love banana bread! It’s so yummy and moist and subtly sweet. So when I realized I had some brown bananas that needed to be used up, I’ll admit, I got excited. 🤓🤓 but then when I realized we had a handful of strawberries left that needed to get used, I got even more pumped.

So, I set out on a quest to find the best recipe for strawberry banana bread.

Behold-the recipe I found in all its glory. Low in sugar and no butter, it’s dense, moist and super yummy with a cup of coffee at breakfast. Oh-and 100% toddler approved-Little loved it.

The recipe is on a web site called Averie Cooks and you can find it here.

Bon appetite 🍌🍓🍌🍓

Easy Sesame Chicken-so yummy!

I’ve recently discovered an awesome web site-called Budget Bytes-while doing my weekly meal planning-and I’m in love. The author, Beth Moncel, gives you a whole whack of recipes that are fairly easy to make-and breaks them down by price of ingredient, serving etc. I’ve made about five of her recipes so far, but this one has been my favourite.


Find the recipe, and a whole bunch of other delicious ones-Here